NordPlus partner countries

NordPlus partner countries

Tuesday, 8 December 2015

The Hour of code week in Brekkuskóli

Older students  in the Nordplus project teaching the younger ones how to code in the international Hour of code week. 

Wednesday, 2 December 2015

The teachers at Hjelmeland School learn about coding and kahoot at a meeting during the Nordplusvisit in october 2015.

Tuesday, 17 November 2015

EduCamp in Eyjafjörður

EduCamp was held in Þelamerkurschool near Akureyri. It is a part of a development project for teachers in the area. Margrét and Helena, teachers from Brekkuskóli were in charge of two parts of the EduCamp this time. One about using QR-codes and another one about using IMovie in the classroom. 

Practicing for The Hour of code week

In the NordPlus lessons today the students tried out the new themes  for the Hour of code week. This year we will have for example Minecraft and Starwars themes. The Hour of code week will take place from 7.- 13. of December. 
We surly hope most of our students can participate. 

Saturday, 14 November 2015

Visit to the TV station N4

Today the second half of the students in the subject Multimedia in Brekkuskóli visited the Icelandic TV station N4. 
There we were shown around and then the students got some great tips about technical things in producing short films. We will use the next lessons to make short films. The students will work in groups, make storyboards, shoot, edit and in end present their films. We are really looking forward to work on this project 

Friday, 13 November 2015

Students presenting NordPlus in Brekkuskóli

Students in Brekkuskóli preparing a presentation wall for our yearly festival. Every year we have a huge festival with over thousand guests coming to see students shows and presentations. 

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Working with social science

Working with social studies in the 8th grade in Brekkuskóli. Students had been working with different things involving the earth. Then they got an assignment on Padlet, we put a QR- code on the Padlet so it would take less time to enter it. Then the students draw pictures of the earth, took pictures and put text with the pictures straight to the Padlet. 
At the end of the lesson we practiced the most important things of the lesson by using the norwegian program Kahoot 

Coding in Hjelmeland

Course in how it is possible to use coding in the classroom. The teachers in Hjelmeland were very interested in learning how they could use coding for example in mathematics. We showed them the website because there you can choose between different languages and projects. It's easy for the teacher to create a class and see the progress  for each student. Some of the teachers went straight to their classrooms and tried it out. 

Sunday, 25 October 2015

Teachers work in Norway

Project meeting that took place in Hjelmeland from 17th to 22st October let the teachers reflect on the previous work done on the project. They analysed the results of the common work and set out the aims for this year.

Teachers watched lessons in Grades 1 and 9, participated in the smart board course that was organised in the school and shared their experience in using different web applications with their students. A lot of new ideas were generated that will be tried out with students.
Teachers agreed on the necessity to involve students in common activities using online communication.

The guests were grateful to the Norwegian teachers for preparing and hosting the meeting in Hjelmeland school which was well-organised and efficient.

Wednesday, 21 October 2015

1st graders in Hjelmeland school using work stations

Teachers participating in NordPlus project in Hjelmeland observed a lesson with Siren and Sigrund where little students worked in stations doing Reading, Maths, English, Norwegian and Physical exercise.
Teachers saw that the kids were very good at doing the tasks on the computers. They were organised and excited to show the guests their skills.

Friday, 22 May 2015

Meeting in Aizkraukle on May 8-15, 2015

Here are a few photos of the headmaster's farewell meeting with hosts and guests before leaving for Riga on May 14.
There are so many photos that were made using our phones during the meeting but unfortunately their quality is not good enough for the website.

Below you can see the article published in Aizkraukle local newspaper about the aims, activities and outcomes of the meeting.

Friday, 20 March 2015

N4 TV-interview

Interview on N4 TV-station in Iceland about tecnology in the classroom and the Nord-plus project in Brekkuskóli.

Egill translated the whole video in I-Movie so people, other than Icelanders would understand it. What a great job he did. Lots of thanks to Egill for the translation and Arndís who was in the interview.

Monday, 2 March 2015

E-book for the Nord-plus project

Filmed in all the countries. Nice to use to learn the languages. Have fun, we sure did ;)

Thursday, 26 February 2015

Reflections of Iceland

Rainers had inspiration and time to create a video about Latvians visiting Akureyri in October 2014.
Comments please!

Friday, 20 February 2015

Using technology on TV

We got a great opportunity to introduce our project on two different TV channels. First on the 7 a clock news on the  national TV channel RÚV and then an interview with Helena and Arndís Eva about how we can use technology in the classroom and at home to studie. 

A student in the NordPlus group is now writing subtitles in English so we can post them in here. 

Teaching in the University of Akureyri

Helena and Margrét have been guest teachers in two different courses in the University of Akureyri. They have been teaching students, who are studying for Master of Education, how we can use technology in the classrom.

The NordPlus group teaching how to use Kahoot in the classroom

The Nordplus group has been preparing their own Kahoot projects. At first they went to teachers in different grades and asked them in what subjects they would like to try out Kahoot. Then the students went and made Kahoot-games using material from those subjects. When the games the NordPlus students go to the classes and teach both the teachers and the students how to make and how to play the Kahoots.

Thursday, 19 February 2015

Gameday in Brekkuskoli

Every year we have a gameday in Brekkuskóli. we meet with different classes and play table cards or participate in some games. This year we made some Kahoot for the 8th and the 3rd grade , and for 2nd and 7th. The older students had played Kahoot before so they were assisting the younger students. All the students who participated in this really enjoyed it.

Students in the 5th grade teaching teachers in Brekkuskoli how to code

In december we had a teacher meeting where some students in the 5th grade were teaching the teachers how to code by using The hour of code website. The teachers were enthusiastic about learning how to code. Some of them even made a Flappy bird game and took the link home so other family members could play their game.